Leasing company JCT600 Vehicle Leasing Solutions (VLS) has been awarded ‘Go Ultra Low Company’ status for its commitment to green vehicles.

The Go Ultra Low campaign is jointly run by the government and a consortium of manufacturers.

The company has been awarded the status in recognition of how it is promoting and using ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) in its fleet.

To obtain the classification, ULEVs must make up at least 5% of a company’s vehicle fleet by 2020. A spokesman for Go Ultra Low told BusinessCar that businesses named as Go Ultra Companies will receive help with marketing to show their eco credentials, while Go Ultra Low said the scheme “sets the new green standard for business motoring”.

JCT600 said it now includes hybrid and fully electric options for its own company car fleet, only allowing conventionally powered vehicles in its fleet “on a strictly exceptional business need basis”.

“We want to encourage every business in the UK to follow the example set by JCT600 VLS to offer employees the chance to drive or own an electric vehicle,” said Poppy Welch, head of Go Ultra Low.

“Not only does it demonstrate a commitment to a cleaner automotive future, but there are multiple short- and long-term financial benefits for companies and their employees to enjoy. Thanks to the wide variety of models available and their cost-saving potential, this is a realistic and rewarding option for businesses large and small.”

Paul Walters, managing director of JCT600 VLS, added: “ULEVs are the future. We have had several customers approach us in the wake of the government’s announcement about the banning of diesel or petrol-only powered cars by 2040. In order to be able to give them the best advice, we have to ensure that we are up to speed and using the technology ourselves.”