Nexus Vehicle Management’s Intelligent Rental Information System is, the company claims, the most widely used rental management system in the UK, with access to 150 different suppliers and more than 400,000 vehicles.
According to Nexus, IRIS, which is employed by end users and intermediaries, has the ability to be a “champion of business efficiency”. It enables business users to manage and generate reports on total charges, number of rentals and rental days, average length of hire, fuel costs and geographical profiles, along with several other categories.
The web application means the fully automated booking process is paperless, and Nexus claims, “greatly reduces” pre- and post-rental paperwork.
IRIS is also capable of sourcing specialist commercial vehicles, including HGVs, horse boxes and ice cream vans, while the company also pledges a billing accuracy in excess of 99.0% across split billing, credit card or e-billing methods, and also caters for both fines and damage charging.
The system works either within the Nexus rental platform, or taken in-house and built to order for an individual client.
There is also an IRIS app for iPhones and android smartphones, giving travel managers access to their account and therefore the ability to manage vehicle needs remotely.