Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\FacebookOpenGraph.xslt Damian James' Blog: 6 July 2009 - Money trading
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Damian James' Blog: 6 July 2009 - Money trading

Date: 06 July 2009

Damian James is Head of Transport Provision for Bracknell Forest Council and a technology champion

Having spent a couple of weeks recently on holiday in France I got rather a shock at some of the prices since my last visit two years ago.

Having played a waiting game prior to buying my currency I watched the Pound slowly get stronger against the Euro in the last few weeks before our departure.

I will be the first to admit I'm no money man but you can almost understand the buzz that traders might get when they do their stuff although on a slightly different scale to me!

I thought myself luck to get 1.10 Euros to the Pound.

Anyway what has this all to do with vehicles? Not much really other than I was very pleased to be able to fill up with diesel at around £0.90 a litre for the first time in a while.

We came back from Boulogne where at the local supermarket on the way to the ferry there was a steady stream of British cars patiently waiting to top off their tanks. This was all done in the knowledge that about 20 miles away it would cost an extra £0.15 per litre which in my case would of added up to an extra £6.00.

The announcement of the re-introduction of the Fuel Duty Escalator from April 2010 for a minimum of three years means that we are unlikely to see fuel drop below the £1 mark for some time, if at all.

Unless the price of crude drops significantly then it looks like foreign travel will be the only way to achieve cheaper fuel prices although this does seem rather extreme.

However following my experience fuel seemed to be the only thing that was better value so our holidays will be in the UK or outside of the Euro zone for a while.

