Most people can drive, especially those of us that live outside of the capital, to the point where we’ve developed a reliance on our vehicles.

However much vehicle costs increase, it seems to be something that we are willing to absorb; a point corroborated by some new research.

Each year we carry out a major survey called the Corporate Vehicle Observatory Barometer. It gives us a detailed insight into the trends dominating the vehicle market.

This year’s results clearly show that when it comes to managing vehicles, businesses are under a great deal of cost pressure.

Despite this cost challenge, it also shows that many companies expect to introduce more vehicles in the coming year – a clear signal of how much they rely on them to effectively operate their business.

And this position is not exclusive to business. Many individuals are feeling pressure on their budgets, and have been for a number of years. However, the car is not a luxury that many of us can do without – it is an essential element of our day to day lives.

Public transport is always an option, and in some cases it can be the best option, but for most of us there will always be times when the car provides the only realistic choice in terms of speed, convenience, comfort, flexibility and cost.

That’s why, it’s so important to manage and minimise your vehicle related costs.

If you can’t do without your car (or cars) you must make the most cost effective choices. That means selecting the right vehicles; not just considering up-front costs, but also ongoing costs like tax, fuel, depreciation and insurance.

Then, once you have selected the right vehicle for the job, you must treat it well and drive it in the most efficient way to minimise expenditure on fuel and maintenance.