So we’ve finally pushed properly through the £1 per litre fuel marker. To be fair, it’s been coming for a while and we’ve had a damn good run.
Through the £1 barrier
So we’ve finally pushed properly through the £1 per litre fuel marker. To be fair, it’s been coming for a while and we’ve had a damn good run.
Like a tidal high point, the waves have been lapping away at the quid-a-litre barrier for a couple of years, but never quite breaking through the flood barrier.
It was only a matter of time before we finally smashed through, but no prizes for seeing what comes next.
That mental block (and in some cases the petrol station’s physical inability to display three figures plus decimal) is now overcome, and I’m predicting we’ll see a couple of sharp rises, especially in the price of diesel as winter kicks in. It’s taken a while to get over £1 per litre, but it’ll be no surprise when those heady ninety-something pence days will quickly become a memory.
Though it’d be nice if we’re wrong.