Don’t you get fed up with all these surveys?
Do you trust surveys?
Don’t you get fed up with all these surveys?
As a fleet operator I’m increasingly annoyed at surveys that are conducted by suppliers in their chosen field which just so happen to suggest we need to purchase their products to help us. Why should we believe anything in these polls when what we read promotes the services of the company that carried out the survey in the first place?
Let me give you an example. I read one last week that suggested that those without accident management cover didn’t understand the true cost of accidents which may well be true. What I didn’t agree with was the statement that those who had bought accident management cover from a supplier had 100% knowledge of all associated costs with every accident.
I know when I last had accident management cover I was charged a fortune for very little service. This was followed by regular meetings with the supplier where I got very little explanation for their inadequacy to give me any useful management information at all.
There seem to be few truly independent bodies set up nowadays who fleet operators can turn too to get simple and impartial advice.
That’s why I enjoy ACFO meetings so much.
If I want to find out some information you can bet that if you ask around at an ACFO meeting you will find a few people who have had experience of what you are after. This allows you to make some initial decisions which will no doubt save you a lot of time and money.
Anyway what’s that famous quote from Mark Twain? “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies, and statistics” perhaps this might apply to some fleet suppliers out there?
What I suggest is that you make up your own minds rather than be led by ‘industry surveys’.