With Christmas just around the corner many of us will be heading to see family, friends or even to chase a bit of sun. So for my last blog before Christmas I thought I would focus on journey planning at a time when you’re likely to meet plenty of traffic on the roads as well as adverse weather conditions.
With a car packed full of food, clothes, kids and hopefully some presents journey planning makes sense. It doesn’t cost anything, apart from a bit of time, and can save money through reduced fuel usage and less wear and tear on the vehicle.
Planning your journey to miss traffic hotspots, commuting outside of the busiest times and cutting out unecessary miles all make a difference. Combine this with smart modal choice such as selected use of public transport and the results are notable for your pocket, your time and the environment.
Something that can help you to stay on track during a long journey is satellite navigation, and if you’re lucky enough to get one in your Christmas stocking this year, then don’t forget to use it. The only caveat that I would put on that is that satnav is a navigational aid and can’t be trusted completely to get you from A to B in the quickest and most economical way.
I hear stories all the time of people travelling miles out of their way, getting stuck down impassable country lanes, or ending up in a farmer’s field because the satnav has let them down. So it’s always worth having a general idea of the route that you need to take before setting off so that you can sense-check the directions that it’s giving you.
So with those things in mind, safe driving over the festive period; have a great Christmas and don’t forget to take a look at my blogs in the New Year.
Best Wishes
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