Fleets and leasing companies running electric vehicles can now sign up for a corporate subscription giving them access to more than 6,000 charging points in the UK.

Chargemaster has introduced the service on its POLAR charging network, providing centralised invoicing for multiple users.

A POLAR Corporate subscription means that RFID cards used to access the POLAR network, the largest in the UK, can be allocated to individual fleet or company car drivers, with all charging costs, including the monthly subscription and any energy usage, billed centrally to the corporate account.

Chargemaster says this will allow fleet and transport managers to monitor charging costs centrally and help managers get the best out of their vehicles.

Although business and fleet sales account for nearly 70% of all plug-in car registrations in the UK, research suggests fleets may be misusing electric vehicles, particularly plug-in hybrids, by not charging them appropriately, and so are missing out on the fuel savings they offer compared with  conventional petrol or diesel vehicles.

David Martell, chief executive of Chargemaster, said: “Fleets and businesses are increasingly deploying electric vehicles, particularly with the decline in the diesel car market, and while employees will benefit from lower taxation, companies also need to maximise the benefits that electric vehicles present, by charging them appropriately.

“We are seeing many progressive businesses support the installation of home charging units for their employees, and the POLAR Corporate subscription will provide employees with access to the UK’s largest public charging network.”