Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\FacebookOpenGraph.xslt Costs and charging believed to be biggest EV adoption barriers by company car drivers, Europcar finds
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Costs and charging believed to be biggest EV adoption barriers by company car drivers, Europcar finds

Date: 22 May 2024   |   Author: Sean Keywood

EV costs and a lack of charging infrastructure have been named as the biggest barriers to adoption by company car drivers.

Research by Europcar found 40% of those surveyed believed costs associated with purchase, maintenance, and finance options were holding their employers back from electrifying their fleet, while 34% said the same for a lack of charging infrastructure.

23% of those surveyed said a lack of knowledge was a problem, while 18% said there was a lack of model choice and vehicle availability.

However, Europcar found company car drivers were much more favourable towards EVs than private motorists, nearly two-thirds of whom said costs were a concern.

Europcar head of electric mobility Tom Middleditch said: "It is perhaps unsurprising that cost is less of an issue for fleets, who secure and maintain vehicles at trade rates, while private drivers use savings or personal finance options. However, it is notable that cost is still an issue for a high proportion of businesses.

"Charging infrastructure has a bad reputation, however the network is growing rapidly across the UK and although it remains a real concern for business and private drivers, our data suggests it is less significant than upfront and maintenance costs." 

Regarding concerns over a lack of EV knowledge, Europcar has drawn attention to its free, regularly updated digital EV Guide.

Middleditch said: "Our research has consistently found that uncertainty and misconceptions due to a lack of experience of electric vehicle ownership stand in the way of drivers opting to go electric.

"We have invested in resources to help inform drivers of the reality of EV driving, as well as constantly adding to our fleet to provide the widest possible choice for renters.

"We believe this knowledge and choice of vehicles are behind the steady growth of interest in electric rental. Customers, whether renting for leisure or business, can drive electric in real world conditions. 

"This helps put fear, uncertainty and doubt to rest and empowers drivers to switch to electric when they are ready."


