High-mileage motorists, typically business drivers, are the most supporting of speed cameras, with a 76% approval rate according to an IAM survey.

In comparison, the least supportive group was medium-mileage drivers, of whom only 34 per cent approved.

Simon Elstow, IAM head of training and field operations, said: “It is reassuring to discover that so many high-mileage, generally company drivers, are supportive of speed cameras. There is a common perception that everybody is against them, but the fact that commercial drivers are one of the most supportive groups is very comforting, as they are spending the most time out on the road.”

Conversely, high-mileage drivers were one of the groups least likely to believe the location of cameras is linked to accidents, with 62% being doubtful of the relationship.

Elstow continued: “It is interesting that commercial drivers still question the positioning of speed cameras. This suspicion surrounding their usage should be addressed through better communication of information from central government and local authorities, as to their motives.”

Overall, the survey of nearly 1000 respondents found that 44% supported government proposals to cease central funding of camera operations, with 30% unsure or expressing no opinion and only 26% opposed.

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