The only dedicated technology prizes in the industry are back for 2014.
BusinessCar’s Fleet Technology Awards – or the ‘Techies’ – celebrate the best and most innovative uses of clever processes that make fleet operators’ lives easier.
Now in their sixth year, the awards recognise the modern systems and processes that impact every area of business car operators’ daily lives, whether that be fleet management, remarketing, daily rental, telematics and maintenance, to name but a few.
A total of 11 categories will be assessed, the full list of which can be seen in the table, right. The complete lowdown on past winners, their products and why they won, along with those highly commended, can be found here.
If you’re a car manufacturer, supplier to the fleet industry or fleet operator and you feel a particularly clever piece of kit deserves recognition, then let us know you’re at the cutting edge of what you do.
To enter the awards, send an email with the subject line ‘Techies’ to and include a description of no more than 300 words of your organisation’s product, service or piece of technology.
The closing date for entries is 5pm on 1 July 2014. This year’s winners will be announced in BusinessCar’s 26 August issue and simultaneously online.