BVRLA chairman Gerry Keaney addressed the controversial changes made to the Dartford Crossing payment process, introduced after the barriers at the bridge and tunnels were removed.
Despite seeing the shift from physical barriers to remote payment as a “positive demonstration of a new digital way forward”, Keaney described the palaver surrounding the initially inadequate signage and the subsequent large number of fines imposed as “a classic example of something that has been implemented really quite incompetently”.
The prime issue raised by Keaney concerned costs being transferred to the sector: “Many of the issues that are arising now are adding cost to our members’ businesses and could and should have been foreseen before this whole process was implemented.”
The BVRLA’s chairman added: “We continue to work on behalf of our members with the Department for Transport and the operator of the Dart Charge system to get this back on track as soon as possible.”