Crashmate has seen “a huge increase in demand” in its accident management kits since the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter act in April.

Crashmate has signed a deal with DHL to provide 5000 of the kits. It also expects to provide another 100-200 to each of DHL’s 750 depots. DHL has declared itself to be “very pleased” with the packs.

Quinn Insurance, the M6 Toll, the Fire Service and Lookers Land Rover, Volvo and Jaguar dealerships have also all ordered the bespoke kit. The kits can be individually branded to carry personalised company details.

A free sample of the bespoke kit is available from or by calling 01675 434 590.

The kit contains a unique seven-step guide to what to do in case of an accident, as well as a pen, tape measure and camera for recording the details of the incident.