Huntingdonshire District Council has set out plans to reduce the environmental impact of its transport needs in a new report that will also cut fleet costs.
The council has set out four key aims for the plan including reduced greenhouse emissions, cutting congestion, improving staff health and using more sustainable travel modes.
The five-year travel plan will cover the period from 2012/13 to 2017/18 and has a host of targets.
These targets include a cut in CO2 emissions from the council’s fleet of 30% plus an identical overall reduction in business travel CO2.
Alongside this Huntingdonshire also wants to see a reduction in the number of single-occupancy commutes from 54% now to 45% by the end of the plan.
It is also looking to cut business mileage overall by 10%.
Underlining the fact that this is a green initiative, the council has stated: “The responsibility for travel plan development and coordination will fall to the council’s environment team.”
Speaking exclusively to BusinessCar Chris Jablonski, environment team leader, said: “The council has a transport strategy with a strong green focus. We work very closely with transport manager Beth Gordon.”
In a separate, but parallel, exercise the council is also looking to phase out company cars and increase it’s pool fleet, said Jablonski.
Jablonski added that the corporate travel plan was put together with the help of the Cambridgeshire Travel for Work group, a non-for-profit partnership, which has more than 60 members in the public and private sectors.
Part of the plan includes encouraging single-occupancy drivers to either share their car or choose a different means of transport.
As part of this Huntingdonshire plans to further restrict the number of parking spaces available.
“We’ve already cut 200 spaces from one of our new offices build a couple of years ago,” said Jablonski.
He added that car-sharing spaces would be made available to encourage car-pooling – something the report identifies as possible thanks to postcode analysis of where employees live.
The report calculated: “If 50% of the employees travelling from six car share clusters shared their journey with one other employee, up to 167 tonnes of CO2 could be saved annually, saving employees up to £150,895 in commute-related expenditure.
Similarly, if employees living within five miles of their workplace commute by either cycle or on foot, between 221-382 tonnes of CO2, depending on the car engine size and fuel type, could be saved.”
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