HM Revenue & Customs is calling for more fleets to air their opinion on the admin burden attached to the three tabled changes to Approved Mileage Allowance Payments for drivers using private cars on work business.

“As mileage allowance payments are used by a large number of employers, HMRC would like responses from as broad a spectrum of employers as possible,” read the department’s statement. The HMRC said employers are also welcome to comment on the rates and thresholds themselves, but it was at pains to point out that they are for “illustration purposes only” at this stage.

The three options under discussion are linking AMAPs to CO2, amending the existing rates and thresholds, or combining the two to provide a “more composite approach”.

The current rates don’t take engine size or emissions into account, sitting at 40p per mile for the first 10,000 miles in a tax year, and 25p a mile after that.

See the table below for a detailed breakdown of the suggested options, then send your opinions to before 31 July.