HM Revenue and Customs has published the latest advisory fuel rates (AFRs), due to be implemented from 1 June. 

Compared with the previous set of rates in force since March, there has been a 1ppm increase for diesel cars with engines smaller than 1600cc, and a 1ppm increase for liquid petroleum gas (LPG)-powered cars with engines between 1401cc and 2000cc, and over 2000cc.

The LPG increases reverse cuts that were introduced in March.

All other rates, including all those for petrol cars, are unchanged. Hybrid cars are treated as either petrol or diesel cars.

The rates apply from 1 June; however, employers can use the previous rates for up to one month from the date the new rates apply.

The new rates are as follows:


1600cc or less: 10p (up by 1p)

1601cc to 2000cc: 11p (no change)

Over 2000cc: 13p (no change)


1400cc or less: 11p (no change)

1401cc to 2000cc: 14p (no change)

Over 2000cc: 22p (no change)


1400cc or less: 7p (no change)

1401cc to 2000cc: 9p (up by 1p)

Over 2000cc: 14p (up by 1p)