An additional £56 million of funding for EV charger installation has been announced by the UK Government.
The money will be used to expand the existing Local Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (LEVI) pilot, boost the existing On-Street Residential Chargepoint Scheme, and help English councils develop their charging expertise.
According to the government, the result of this will be up to 2,400 further chargers installed in the short term, and tens of thousands more delivered by local councils further into the future.
The new LEVI funding includes a boost for three original pilot scheme areas – Durham (£7.4 million), Barnet (£4.4 million), and North Yorkshire (£3.6 million) – as well as 16 new areas as follows: Buckinghamshire (£200,000); Cumbria (£1.9 million); Hackney (£1 million); Harborough (£2.3 million); Hounslow (£1.8 million); Lancashire (£600,000); Norfolk (£1.6 million); Oxfordshire (£1.6 million); Rotherham (£1.6 million); Sunderland (£800,000); Waltham Forest (£2.5 million; Warwickshire (£1 million); West Midlands (£8.5 million); West Sussex (£2.9 million); West Yorkshire (£3 million); and York (£1.9 million).
A total of £22 million of government money for these areas is said to be supported by an additional £17 million of private funding, and £2 million from public funds across local authorities.
Of the remaining money, £7 million will be going towards on-street chargers, and £8 million to boosting local authorities via the new LEVI Capability Fund.
Technology and Decarbonisation Transport Minister Jesse Norman said: “The government is giving local authorities across England additional help today to energise their chargepoint roll-out plans.
“Today’s commitment will lead to thousands of new chargers being installed, and plans for tens of thousands extra in due course, so that more people than ever can make the transition to using EVs.”