The Institute of Car Fleet Managers has named its new chairman, with Roddy Graham of Leasedrive taking on the role following BCA’s Tom Madden’s retirement.

Graham, Leasedrive’s commercial director, is looking to raise the institute’s profile within the business car industry.

“To be absolutely truthful, I’m enormously proud and feel genuinely honoured to be approached by the ICFM and have my selection as chairman unanimously endorsed,” Graham told BusinessCar in an exclusive interview. “Some people use the expression ‘putting something back’, but I’m hoping to bring some experience to raise ICFM’s profile and standards and to get fleet management recognised as the hugely responsible job that it is.

“Today’s fleet manager is very different to that of ten or fifteen years ago – it’s not for interested amateurs any more.”

Looking forward, Graham said he wants to carry on the “excellent work” that has already been done. “In the UK there are thousands of people involved in fleet management who could benefit from the work the institute does. I want to carry on that good work and raise its profile,” he said.

This includes making people more aware of the training and qualifications that ICFM offers.

“I’ll try and bring my skills as a marketer to let more people know what they can get. I’m convinced a lot of employers will be very enthused with the training and qualifications because a good fleet manager pays for themselves a hundred times over.”