The cost of allowing employees to drive to work could hit £350 per space if the proposed workplace parking levy reaches legislation next April.
Nottingham City Council is the first authority to propose a scheme, which would be easier to operate than a congestion charge because it doesn’t need to monitor specific vehicle movements. Reports suggest a further eight councils, including Devon County Council, are also making similar plans.
The council is currently in the final consultation period and will hold a five-day public examination prior to the release of a report on the consultation findings.
The proposal at this stage is for a £185 per space tax to be introduced in 2010, rising to £350 a year by 2014, and then subsequently linked to inflation. Any business providing more than 10 work spaces would be hit, estimated to be around 500 firms in the Nottingham area.
The exemptions, apart from emergency services, would be spaces for customers attending retail or leisure facilities, for fleet vehicles not used for commuting that are parked overnight and spaces for loading or unloading, occupied for less than 15 minutes.
The licenses will be valid for a year from 1 April if the proposal becomes legislation, with payments either up front or by quarterly direct debit for an additional 2.5% charge.