All motoring fines are being increased in price from July with the ‘typical’ fixed-penalty notice rising from £60 to £100 – a 66% increase.

The increase follows a consultation held last year, which asked the public if they were in favour of a rise in fines from £60 to £90. Of the respondents, 59% disagreed, with just under half of respondents saying this was another tax on the motorist that would affect those on low incomes and was unjustified in the current economic climate.

A smaller proportion of respondents said the penalty should be higher than the proposed £90, while many others thought the current levels were more than sufficient.

The overall increase in the fees for fixed-penalty notices were hidden in an announcement at the same time that police will gain new powers from July enabling them to issue fixed-penalty notices for a slew of offences including lane-hogging and tailgating.

While these bad-driving habits are already covered by other offences, such as dangerous driving, making the careless driving offences part of the fixed-penalty system means that police can deal with offending motorists more quickly.

Those drivers caught hogging a middle or outside lane will face a £100 fine and three points.

Drivers will, as with other fixed-penalty notices, still be able to appeal using the court system.

Road safety minister Stephen Hammond said: “Careless drivers are a menace and their negligence puts innocent people’s lives at risk.

“That is why we are making it easier for the police to tackle problem drivers by allowing them to immediately issue a fixed-penalty notice rather than needing to take every offender to court.

“We are also increasing penalties for a range of driving offences to a level that reflects their seriousness and which will ensure that they are consistent with other similar penalty offences.”

Chief Constable Suzette Davenport, ACPO lead on roads policing, said: “The new penalties are absolutely necessary to deal with drivers who are putting people’s lives at risk and police will not hesitate to enforce them.

“These measures should also act as a reminder to careless drivers that their behaviour will not be tolerated.

“The vast majority of drivers are law-abiding, but some are still not getting the message. We said we would get tougher on those who make our roads dangerous and that is exactly what we have done.”

Motoring fines changes

. A non-endorsable (where the driver does not receive points on their licence) £30 fixed penalty notice will rise to £50.

. An endorsable (where points are given) £60 and non-endorsable fixed penalty notice will rise to £100.

. An endorsable £120 fixed penalty notice will rise to £200. . The fixed penalty notice for driving with no insurance will rise from £200 to £300.