It’s a third consecutive win for Rental:Manager, a vehicle rental management system from leasing firm Leasedrive Group, which allows its clients to facilitate all rental requirements online 24/7.

The website, using the Favourites feature, claims a 20-second booking time by retrieving regular bookings. Authorisation levels can be assigned to individuals to control rental expenditure, while new enhanced perimeter security has been launched to meet the needs of public sector and enterprise clients. There is also access to management information for improved budgeting and cost control and efficiency ratings are provided for vehicles groups. Rental:Manager is linked directly with suppliers’ systems to ensure maximum accuracy and efficiency.

This year, Leasedrive has introduced a car sharing facility within the system, to “help reduce client’s rental expenditure and meet carbon reduction targets”. Vehicle bookings for each client are stored within Rental:Manager, and if a staff member at the client firm books a vehicle that has matching criteria (ie similar delivery and collection date and address) to an existing booking, then the system automatically informs both drivers about the matching reservations.

They are advised to contact each other to cancel one of the booking and share the hire car on the intended journey. The functionality works particularly well for clients with staff that regularly travel to and from multiple sites in the UK, according to Leasedrive.