Our Sportage is generating a lot of serious interest – ranging from admiring glances to practical questions about boot space – among other road users initially impressed by the styling.
It seems this interest from potential retail buyers is indicative of the response Kia has been experiencing in fleet.
“The Sportage is getting really strong interest from user choosers – clearly there are good levels of confidence,” Kia MD Michael Cole recently told BusinessCar. “The great news is that it’s already getting us a lot of conquest business – customers that wouldn’t have had us on their shopping list 12-18 months ago. The key thing is having stylish cars – the Sportage has definitely attracted new customers.”
Speaking shortly before he left the firm, Kia’s ex-fleet boss Andrew Sellars added: “The hardest thing is getting on choice lists, and with the Sportage we’ve been getting calls..The biggest breakthrough for us is the Sportage.”
It’s too early to say for sure whether the Sportage is a “breakthrough”, at least until it’s been on sale for a year, but taking into account the brand’s claims and my own anecdotal evidence, Kia may well have a ‘game changer’.