Should the worst happen and the battery dies mid-journey, the driver presses a large dash button marked ‘ASSIST’ to summon help.

That and the energy gauge are the only real indicators you’re in an electric car. A descending hum when you turn the key gives the game away, but the true appeal of battery power is felt when hitting the accelerator from rest. A smooth getaway builds into supermini-quick momentum that dispels all feeling of electric inadequacy.

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The plastic-bodied Think even holds onto corners well, thanks in part to the low-down battery weight.

So what about the price? Deep breath now.The Think costs £14,000, plus £100 a month for the battery lease. So £17,600 over three years.

If you’re still reading, you need to assemble all the cost advantages and count back. Energy costs of £110 over 10,000 miles is plenty cheaper than a Peugeot 107 (£800 on fuel), plus there’s the 9% company car tax rate. The corporation tax writedown on the first year is 100%, and there’s no VED to pay. There’s also free entry into London’s congestion charge and some free parking. But much of this also applies to cars with low CO2 (writedown, congestion charge exemption, 10% company car tax).

The Think City is greener, no doubt, but unless the Government does something serious to differentiate the cost of electric cars from the likes of the Peugeot 107, all the battery advances in the world aren’t going to persuade fleets to think electric.