Error parsing XSLT file: \xslt\FacebookOpenGraph.xslt Graham Hurdle's blog: 1 August - Forget driving abroad, we don't even know our own Highway Code
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Graham Hurdle's blog: 1 August - Forget driving abroad, we don't even know our own Highway Code

Date: 01 August 2016

Graham Hurdle is managing director of E-Training World

At this time of year we often come across advice about driving abroad.

Do you know the laws of the countries you're driving in? Do you have the correct equipment? Have you taken time to understand the road signs and, if you don't speak the language, do you at least know what the words on the road signs mean?

After all, it's pretty dangerous if you're in another country with no idea what a road sign is telling you, or what the words say! Can I go down this road? Is it my right of way? What danger am I being warned about? Sadly many drivers could not tell you what foreign signs mean, seemingly using a balance of luck and judgment to get by.

Its ironic really that we worry so much about driving in foreign countries because I'd say we ought to be just as concerned about the other 50 weeks of the year when we're back in Blighty.

There's no magic fix to resolve the problem. The fact is, companies need to be asking their drivers to read the Highway Code and then test them on it - just in the same way that we all need to do our homework if we're driving in another country.

Sadly, however, I come across quite a lot of people who question whether a lack of knowledge makes someone an unsafe driver.

My response is this. Would you be happy to fly with a pilot that doesn't understand the instructions or warnings being given to them?  Would you feel anxious as a passenger of a car when the driver ignored every sign because they didn't understand them? And if you've got teenage children learning to drive, how much importance do you place on their knowledge of the Highway Code? Or do you think its OK for them not to learn it?

The truth, road knowledge is essential as it acts as the foundation for safe driving. And according to our statistics, most companies should look to educate their drivers as a matter or priority.

